Sunday, July 8, 2012

GOP Congress Breaks ‘Pledge To America’

GOP Congress Breaks ‘Pledge To America’

0923-boehner-pledge-lumber-virginia_full_600What are the Republicans in Congress thinking? Seriously. What was in their collective minds when they passed a bill worth billions of dollars in stimulus to all sorts of true free loaders?

According to John Hayward at Human Events,

On Friday, the House and Senate passed an omnibus spending bill, which is a bit like passing a kidney stone, except it’s much more painful and expensive. This particular bill included a number of measures to address three entirely different topics: student loan rates, highway construction, and flood insurance.

Those three subjects have nothing to do with each other, but packaging them together made it far more difficult to vote against any specific portion of it. Oppose the extension of those famous subsidized student loan rates, and you’re against highway construction. Express reservations against all that highway spending, and you’re against low-interest student loans and flood insurance.

Political pressures had been cooked up to make each of those individual votes difficult; load them into the same omnibus, and the resulting legislative vehicle is nearly unstoppable. In the end, only 52 Republican members of the House, and 19 Republican senators, voted against it. Big Government got bigger, and Broke Government went further into debt.

I’m sorry, did you say it makes it “far more difficult to vote against any specific portion?” How about elected representatives vote the entire monstrosity down? How about they stop giving the people’s money away to thing they should not be giving to in the first place?

Look, there is no question that students need some loan relief. However, they knew what they were getting into when they took the loan. Just like anyone who takes out a loan, they know what their responsibilities are. If they chose to believe the lie that a certain education will reap them a certain job, pay and lifestyle rather than working in the real world, then I’m sorry, but the fact is government should not have been and should not be in the business of providing student loans in the first place.

Student loans continue to remain above ten percent now. Yes I agree they need relief, but my goodness can people not vote with a clear conscience and kill something that has all sorts of other pork crammed into it? Oh that’s right, then somebody wouldn’t get what they want would they? Politics as usual. The GOP sells the American people out once more for political expediency instead of principle.

Congress is not thinking of the massive student loan bubble. Instead they are just adding to the circumference of the massive air pocket. After all, they aren’t going to pick up the tab. That’s for you and I. They will just point fingers at one another and claim it was the other party’s fault and most people will pull their team’s jersey over their heads and join with them instead of realizing what has actually taken place.

Did anyone remember the Pledge to America that the Republican Congress gave in 2010? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Seems they forgot too. they promised to “end the practice of packaging unpopular bills with ‘must-have’ legislation to circumvent the will of the American people. Instead, we will advance major legislation one issue at a time.”

I think someone’s nose is growing. Someone’s pants are on fire. There are three items in this Frankenstein bill. They are mixing flood insurance, student loans and highway construction in one bill! They have broken their promise.

So who are the Republican who kept their promise? Well there were fifty-two of them in the House and nineteen in the Senate.

Find those Republicans, via the links above, who voted for this monster bill and vote them out when they come up for re-election.


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